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I'm Kathleen Walton, a transformation mindset and wellness coach here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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Have you ever noticed repeating numbers, animals appearing at just the right moment, or a song playing that speaks directly to your heart? These aren’t coincidences—they’re signs from the Universe, guiding you toward your highest path. But how do you recognize and interpret them?
With a little extra attention, we can recognize and understand the messages the Universe is sending to us.
The Universe sends signs to guide us toward personal growth. Once we start recognizing them, we’ll begin seeing them everywhere.
Signs from the Universe will come whether we ask for them or not.
But, if we don’t ask for specific signs, it can be really difficult to recognize them when they come, and even if we do, it’s very difficult to understand what they represent and what the message is that they’re bringing to us.
To truly recognize the Universe’s guidance, it helps to ask for signs with clear intention.
So, let’s explore how you can do that effectively.
If you have a specific question that you want an answer to, or something that you’d like clarity around or confirmation on, how can you ask for a sign?
Well, there are four steps to asking for a sign. The first one, and possibly the most important, is to be intentional. It’s going to be difficult to understand the signs if you aren’t even quite sure what you’re asking for. So, be sure you know exactly what you are asking. The second is to be specific. Ask for a very specific sign as your confirmation. That way, you can easily identify it when it comes. The third step is to make it time bound. Define exactly when you would like to receive your sign by, and if you don’t receive it by then, take that as a response too. Then, the fourth and final step in asking for a sign from the Universe is to accept it when it comes. And, if it requires you to take action on it, then do.
Sometimes even when we aren’t asking for it, the Universe will come in with signs for us right when we need them. We usually know these things are significant because they just seem to keep repeating and it makes us ask… “What does this mean?”
The Universe is funny because it always knows how you will respond. So it always sends you messages in the most perfect way.
For example, if you are someone who interprets messages on your own, it knows that, and will send you something you can intuitively understand. But, if you are someone who will Google search the answers, it knows that too. So, it’ll send something to you that your encoded message is in the definition. So, this goes to show there is no right or wrong way.
So, take comfort in the fact that the Universe always knows exactly how and where you will look to make sense of the message before you even receive it.
It’s important to note that if you are someone who goes about researching signs from the Universe, symbolism, and synchronicity (which, I’m sure you are because you’re here reading this blog), that you keep in mind, there are many meanings for each.
But, since there are so many meanings, how do you know which one is for you?
Well, you know by the way things feel and how they resonate. When you read it, do you immediately know what it is talking about or referring to in your life? If so, that’s probably the message that’s for you.
That said, there are still some common meanings of seeing certain symbols. And I’d like to share some here that have come up for me along the path of my journey, and likely along yours, with their general meanings.
I have always been a lover of animals. My connection with animals has really shaped my empathy, intuition, and worldview. Growing up on the little farm where I did really taught me how bright, gentle, and empathetic animals truly are. And, while I connected a lot with my dogs, cats, and the pony, honestly, for some strange reason, I am noticing that I often receive messages from winged animals. And, even the same animals will sometimes bring a different message than the time before. Because, the thing is, just like anything else, animals can resonate differently for different people.
It isn’t always their most common attribute that will resonate with you, as I’ll be sharing here, but sometimes it is a bit deeper or more mysterious. And, if you’re interested in digging deeper, you can usually find out what it is by doing some research into the spiritual significance of it.
Dragonflies: Dragonflies represent wisdom, resilience, and the ability to adapt to change. Dragonflies change constantly throughout their lives. These changes in a dragonfly can represent becoming your true self through transformation in your own life.
Hummingbirds: Hummingbirds symbolize joy, freedom, perseverance, creativity, love, and healing. Seeing a hummingbird encourages us to live in the moment, become open to change, and fearlessly pursue our dreams. The hummingbird’s ability to fly in all directions represents flexibility and freedom. Hummingbirds also come in many colors, each representing something unique. Red hummingbirds represent energy, passion, and courage. Green hummingbirds represent growth, renewal, and healing. Blue ones represent calmness, communication, and trust. Yellow ones represent joy, positivity, and creativity. And purple ones represent spirituality, wisdom, and mystery.
Butterflies: Butterflies are the universal symbol of transformation, rebirth, and personal growth. This is because they have such a unique life cycle, where they transition from a caterpillar to a cocoon, and finally emerge as a gorgeous butterfly. This represents a significant change and the ability to evolve and embrace new beginnings. Which is why they are also often associated with freedom, lightness, and joy.
Bees: Bees are often seen as a symbol of hard work, teamwork, and prosperity. Bees are very mysterious, and so they also are symbols to represent the mysteries of nature.
Eagles: Eagles represent strength, courage, freedom, perspective, and new beginnings. Eagles provide stamina and resilience to endure difficulties and transformation. They symbolize the importance of honesty and truthful principles. Eagles are also believed to have a close relationship with the creator, and they can travel between the physical and spiritual world.
Blue Jays: Blue Jays are known for their efficiency, intelligence, and strength. They symbolize freedom of speech and the need to fight for your rights and be strong in your opinions.
Cardinals: Cardinals are a symbol of devotion, hope, renewal, and love. And, they also often represent visits from loved ones on the other side.
Spiders: Spiders represent creativity, resilience, and interconnectedness. Spiders are unique and creative builders in the ways they weave their webs. They are also known to represent magic, creation, and the connection between the past and the future.
Deer: Deer represent love, innocence, and protection. They symbolize the balance between feminine and masculine, and are also associated with intuition and creativity.
Rabbits: Rabbits represent good luck, fertility, abundance, renewal, and good fortune. Rabbits also represent innocence and vulnerability, due to their nature in the wild.
Tigers: Tigers represent power, strength, and courage. And, in many cultures, also represents protection, hope, and healing.
Lions: Lions are known for their courage, strength, and pride. And, they also represent loyalty, leadership, and wisdom.
Jaguars: Jaguars represent strength, courage, and intuition. They are often associated with perception, strategy, and patience.
Bears: Bears represent strength, healing, and balance. Bears are known for their solitude, and calm, and are seen as nurturers.
Feathers commonly symbolize a connection to the spirit realm, represent freedom, ascension, and the ability to move beyond limitations.
However, seeing feathers can also mean a number of different things. Of course, depending on the context, what type of feather, and what it means to the person receiving the message. But, here are some general meanings for finding colored feathers.
Mythical Creatures
Okay, so you probably won’t see mythical creatures flying around outside in your front yard like you might a butterfly or a bee–but–you may still see them in other places. For example, maybe you see them on a book cover, a business sign, a commercial, a video online, or the phone case of a friend. Regardless, whether you request their appearance as a sign or you just seem to notice they keep popping up around you, they can bring with them a really significant message. Whether it be dragons, unicorns, phoenix, pegasus, or another type of mythical creature. These symbols may be here to represent imagination, magic, miracles, and perspective.
Don’t forget, you can ask for anything!
One time, I even asked for a purple sports car. It’s something that I knew wasn’t common for me to see, so if I did, it would surely be confirmation. And, sure enough, on my drive home, I did see a gorgeous purple sports car. It may not have a spiritual symbolism on its own, but I definitely knew what it meant for me. And that’s really the whole point!
111: The repeating number 111 is the number of new beginnings, opportunities, and personal growth.
222: The repeating number 222 is a sign from your guardian angels that you’re on the right path and a reminder that balance and harmony are important.
333: The repeating number 333 represents guidance, love, and divine protection.
444: The repeating number 444 represents guidance, stability, and protection from angels. Seeing this number often also offers confirmation that you will make a big decision successfully.
555: The meaning of the repeating number 555 is the number of change. When you see this number often, it’s a sign that transformation and personal growth are on the horizon for you.
666: The meaning of the repeating number 666 is to let go of fear. This number encourages you to reconnect with your higher purpose and spiritual well being.
777: The meaning of the repeating number 777 is luck and abundance. This number represents breakthroughs, opportunities, and alignment with your purpose.
888: The repeating number 888 represents abundance, success, and financial prosperity. It brings the message that you are on the right path and reassurance that you are being guided.
999: The repeating number 999 represents completion, endings, new beginnings, and spiritual growth.
Dreams are a way for your subconscious mind to communicate with you. And there are so many symbols, meanings and metaphors within dreams. They can open us up to what is truly going on within our subconscious.
Tip: If you wake up and are remembering a dream from the night before, act quickly, and write it down before you forget the details.
Falling in a dream can symbolize feelings of fear, loss of control, or insecurity.
Being naked in a dream can symbolize feelings of vulnerability, or exposure. Or could also represent a desire for authenticity and openness.
Flying in a dream can symbolize a need for freedom, liberation, and empowerment.
Losing your voice in a dream can symbolize feelings of being misunderstood or unheard. Dreams where you lose your voice might be representing a need for self-expression, assertiveness, and confidence.
Being chased in a dream can symbolize underlying fears, anxieties, and stress in your waking life. And a dream where you’re being chased could encourage you to address a situation in your life that you may have been running away from rather than dealing with.
Dying in a dream can symbolize a significant life transition, representing the end of one phase and the beginning of another.
Just feeling like you had a normal day of work in a dream is a very common experience. This is actually one of the most common dreams. And, it symbolizes that you may be taking work home with you, and may encourage you to find more separation.
Hanging out with a celebrity in your dream is actually very significant. It may mean that you recognize something within them that you want to be recognized for as well.
Well, the number one reason is because we’re loved.
Because of the unconditional love the Universe has for us, it wants to see us succeed, and live a happy and fulfilling life! So, it does everything it can to lead us toward that path.
Each of us is unique in where we’re going and what we’re here to do, so it’s important to listen to this wisdom within us that guides us and communicates with the Universe. Otherwise? How would we ever know where we are going? Or what are we going there for?
In one of my favorite speeches, Earl Nightingale’s ‘Strangest Secret,’ He shares, “The creator of the Universe didn’t build a staircase leading nowhere. One thing we know for sure is that we came from someplace, and we are going someplace.”
If you’re noticing signs from the universe but aren’t sure how to interpret them—or if you’re ready to align with your higher purpose—transformational mindset coaching can help. Together, we can explore the messages coming your way, break through limiting beliefs, and create a path toward clarity and growth.
Schedule a call with me here to start your journey.
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I'm Kathleen Walton, a transformation mindset and wellness coach here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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My brand and website were lovingly crafted by Aubre at Artisan Kind in her 100% solar-powered design studio
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