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I'm Kathleen Walton, a transformation mindset and wellness coach here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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Personal Transformation has become one of the most talked-about concepts in recent years. It’s a buzzword we hear almost everywhere we turn. And yet, although we all desire to experience a transformation in our lives, it’s not very often that we stop to really consider what that means.
Personal Transformation is often considered being external. People will say they’ve transformed their lives when they see results. Maybe they’ve become wealthy, or achieved success. But their transformation hadn’t happened when those results came into their lives. It happened far before. Transformation is a completely personal inner journey, one that reshapes your spirit, mind, and, ultimately, your entire life.
It begins in your mind, long before your physical reality is able to catch up. And, by the time the outside world begins to reflect your own growth, you’ll already be far ahead again, and you continuously evolve.
That’s why it’s so important to never postpone happiness or joy. This is one of the most important lessons I have learned in my life. I don’t mean this in terms of allowing yourself instant gratification, because what is required for success is quite the opposite. What I do mean is, don’t wait for results, to reach your destination, or achieve your goals before you’re happy. Because, by the time you see results, get to your destination, and achieve those goals, your mind will already have conceived new goals and new directions. So you will constantly be chasing after that. Rather than enjoying the journey, and really taking the time to pause at the lookout points along the way. Imagine you were on a hike, and you just sped past the trail, looking down the entire time and never once stopping to admire the nature that surrounds you. Imagine when you reach the lookout points that you don’t stop to rest and enjoy them, but you just keep ongoing until you reach the ultimate one at the top. And then, when you get there, you don’t enjoy it because you are thinking about the next thing, climbing down. That doesn’t make sense, does it? You could have enjoyed the entire experience. Wouldn’t it be nicer to take your time? Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable to stop and rest and take in the beautiful views on the way? Wouldn’t it be nice to pause even during the difficult parts, to just take it all in and find the beauty in what’s around you–even though you’re not yet at the top? I think so.
The way it works when you are truly manifesting the life of your dreams, you already believe that it’s yours, and you live in the joy of it… even long before your reality catches up.
That’s because the transformation takes place inside of you and when you experience it, you realize that peace and joy live inside you always. Regardless of your circumstances. That way, when you do get to your destination, you can enjoy it, but you’ve also enjoyed getting there, and you’ll also be ready to enjoy the journey and destination of where you’re going next.
Because we are innately wired to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s at the core of who we are. We are all searching for purpose and progress because that is one of the greatest things that gives meaning to our lives.
We begin seeking self-development not because we are broken, but because we are destined to become more.
We each have unique goals, dreams, and aspirations, and we also have an intuitive understanding of the gap that exists between where we are now and where we could be.
The secret is that something really special happens when we become aware of what lives in that gap between where we are today and who we desire to become. And that’s our thoughts, beliefs, and habits.
The funny thing about this “secret” is that it’s not a secret, and it’s likely that we’ve all heard it before. This is the realization and understanding that you are a powerful creator. Your thoughts and habits are so powerful in fact, that they completely shape your future. And although we all understand this concept innately, very few of us actually believe it and are able to use it to our benefit to create a bridge between who we are and who we want to become.
I think, because many people believe it’s simply “too easy.”
Because when you are able to realize that the only thing that is standing between you and your desired reality is your own mindset and actions, you unlock a sense of empowerment. And perhaps a bit of shame for not having realized it sooner. When you really understand this, and believe it to be true, you don’t just understand the concept, you actually have an emotional resonance with it. And it’s this emotional resonance that gives you the ability to change your own life.
There are a handful of specific requirements for transformation.
Clearly define your goals by writing down your Definite Chief Aim. The first step to achieving anything is knowing why you’re doing it in the first place.
Here is an example of a Definite Chief Aim by Bruce Lee:
“I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970, I will achieve world fame and then onward til the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.”
Make it your intention to develop sufficient self-confidence and self-discipline. You will need both of these at every step of the way, walking the path towards your goals. These two things are what can be the most difficult. I have struggled with them myself as well. But, luckily there is a specific formula to follow to do this. It is free for you to download at the end of this blog.
While on your way to transformation, it is no question that you will have to make sacrifices. So, be ready to, and be willing to.
Whenever it becomes difficult, refer to your Definite Chief Aim, and remember where you are going and why you are going there.
Be ready and willing to sacrifice any killers of time, such as your phone, television, and procrastination.
Be willing to separate yourself from certain people in your life that may not resonate with who you are becoming. And, when those around you don’t believe in or understand your vision, keep it to yourself and allow it to grow, anyway.
Experiencing transformation in your life will require you to be a person you’ve never been before. Maybe you must be a person who wakes up earlier, stays up later, spends their leisure time differently than you normally do, exercises differently, eats differently, or responds differently.
When you have clearly defined where you are going, and the person you will be when you get there, begin living as that person now. It’s your alignment with the frequency of who you’re being to where you’re going that will bring you there.
Lastly, and honestly, most importantly… Be consistent, persevere, and have faith. Perseverance in itself requires faith. Having faith is what gives you strength because you know you are not alone on your journey. You know that the Universe truly has your back at every turn, and is revealing the path in front of you as you walk. Because, although you know where you’re going, you don’t have all the details on how you will get there. But, the Universe does. So, as cliché as it is to say “trust the process,” you really do have to trust the process, and have faith that everything is working out for you. Holding strong in this belief will give you the strength to persevere during struggles, and the will to be consistent every day–especially when you don’t feel like it. This is what makes it happen!
So, what is the secret to it?
Know WHY you want what you want.
Having a strong why allows you to be dedicated, disciplined, focused, and gives you strength to do what’s necessary, even when it’s hard.
Your why gives purpose to your challenges and gives you strength and resilience, so it needs to be a strong and meaningful one for you.
I call your why the secret to your transformation because it’s the most essential piece, and it’s also the one piece that many people will skip over. Why? It’s because they feel like their, why is already obvious.
Goals like “I want to be healthy” or “I want to make lots of money” seem like reasonable things that you don’t really think to ask why you want them because, well, everybody wants those.
But knowing why you want them is what gives you the ability to achieve them.
It’s no secret that we all struggle with limiting beliefs. But the good news is, we can rewrite those beliefs, so we don’t have to allow them to hold us back.
If you are working towards personal transformation but you keep getting held back by thoughts like “I’m not good enough to…” “Who am I to…” “I don’t deserve to…” “I’ll never be as good as… so why even…” these thoughts are all rooted limiting beliefs that were created at some point in your life.
So, take the time to consider where they may have come on. Meditate on it and get to the root. When you do, journal on it, write out the belief along with when and how it was formed. Then, create a new belief. One that is empowering and aligns with your goals. And then, read it anytime those limiting beliefs creep back in. But, don’t just read it–be sure to feel it as well.
In Earl Nightingales ‘Strangest Secret’ (Which, you can find the entire speech here on YouTube), he shares an interesting analogy about a boat.
Earl says, “Think of a ship with the complete voyage mapped out and planned. The captain and crew know exactly where the ship is going and how long it will take — it has a definite goal. And 9,999 times out of 10,000, it will get there. Now let’s take another ship — just like the first — only let’s not put a crew on it, or a captain at the helm. Let’s give it no aiming point, no goal, and no destination. We just start the engines and let it go. I think you’ll agree that if it gets out of the harbor at all, it will either sink or wind up on some deserted beach. It can’t go anyplace because it has no destination and no guidance.”
When you think about this analogy, how does it apply to your goals?
If you set your mind to a clear Definite Chief Aim, and apply discipline, faith, and perseverance, you will always arrive there.
But, if you do not make a decision on exactly where you’re going, you could end up anywhere, and likely won’t end up at your Definite Chief Aim, because it wasn’t set as your destination.
This is not only the most unhealthy thing for your productivity, and time…
Chronic procrastination also harms your creativity and joy.
If you procrastinate, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, it’s just part of being human and we all struggle with it at some level.
It’s in our nature to want instant results, instant joy,
How do you combat procrastination?
Discipline, patience, and planning.
Sometimes you may need to bring in some tools or practices to limit distractions. If it’s your phone or computer that is distracting you, there are a couple of apps you can use to block websites and apps for time periods when you are needing to focus. I highly recommend
‘Opal’–there is a free version that works perfectly fine, but the paid version is also worth it because it allows you to block apps without the option of cancelling your session. You can get it on your phone and computer, and it is a perfect way to just completely block all distracting apps and websites while you’re working.
I also highly recommend the app ‘Forest’–this app is completely free and actually helps the environment. When you plant trees in the forest app, they grow during your focus session. If you cancel early, your tree will die and you won’t receive any coins. If you make it through the full focus session, you will receive trees in your virtual forest, and you will also receive coins in the app that you can save up and then used to plant real trees. Then, the forest app has a team of volunteers that will plant trees on your behalf.
If you are lacking faith, it will become very difficult to persist and be disciplined. You have to really believe that what you are working towards is already yours. Have faith that the Universe is guiding you and you are not doing it alone.
Faith is what gives you the power to change your life. Without it, you will struggle until you find it.
Download free PDF of Self-Confidence and Self-Discipline Formula below
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I'm Kathleen Walton, a transformation mindset and wellness coach here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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My brand and website were lovingly crafted by Aubre at Artisan Kind in her 100% solar-powered design studio
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